Become a resident investigator, solving a heinous murder mystery in the Upper West Side’s Arconia building. With the help of your true-crime podcast, gather clues and investigate possible suspects to unravel a complex web of lies and deceit. Will you uncover the killer’s motive, or will the murderer go free? It’s up to you! This sharp-witted game of sleuthing and suspense is recommended for 2-4 players, ages 8 and up. Includes 1 Arconia Board, Stolen Clues Tracker, The Building, 4 Movers, 12 Tokens, 1 Die, 16 Action Cards, 12 Solution Cards, 12 Episode Cards, 4 Player Aid Cards, 28 Clue Tiles, 7 Object Tiles, Suspect Tile, Group Text Tile, First Player Marker, Complete Instructions
- Anticipate and coordinate moves of other players and avoid crossing paths with the killer
- Cooperatively collect and connect the crime board’s clues to point to the killer’s apartment
- Prepare for the big reveal and make the call before the killer destroys all the evidence!
- Recommended for 2-4 players, ages 8 and up
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